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Labour Loses Ground In Closest Election In More Than Decade

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Early indications from the counting hall in Naxxar indicate that the PN has managed to claw back approximately 20,000 votes from the Labour Party in what appears to have been the closest election Malta has had in the last decade.

Prime Minister Robert Abela was the first to address the nation, asserting that the Labour Party had again registered a solid victory. However, this confidence was contrasted by the statements from Nationalist Party Secretary General Michael Piccinino, who highlighted that the PN had achieved the highest number of votes ever in an election and had recorded the smallest gap between the two parties.

In stark contrast with past elections, while the Nationalist Party has been open and forthcoming with information about the counting process, Labour has been uncharacteristically hesitant, indicating a certain level of shock at the result. Labour Party Deputy Leader Daniel Micallef refused to comment on Piccinino’s remarks, insisting it was still too early for conclusions. He reiterated the party line that the nation had sent a strong message in favour of the Labour Party. Labour Party President Ramona Attard echoed this sentiment, avoiding specifics and focusing on her pride in the party’s performance under difficult circumstances.

Shortly after, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech suggested that the margin might be roughly 15,000 votes, possibly less, underscoring the unexpected result.

Prime Minister Robert Abela appears to be in damage control mode. He insisted the result was a call to work harder, with more humility and greater attentiveness to the people’s needs. He pledged to dedicate more of his life and strength to the Maltese people but avoided addressing the actual results directly.

Reflecting on his challenging tenure, Abela recalled his early years in office and the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, of all things. ONE News also appeared to be unusually disinterested in the election, choosing instead to pick the Prime Minister’s brain on the local council elections and the EP elections across Europe.

It remains to be seen what the exact election result will be, but the shift appears to have caught Labour off guard and has many wondering what comes next.

READ NEXT: Watch: Robert Abela Arrives At Counting Hall

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