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Mark Camilleri Acquitted Of Insulting And Threatening Former Labour MP Rosianne Cutajar

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Former National Book Council Chairman Mark Camilleri has been acquitted of insulting and threatening former Labour Member of Parliament Rosianne Cutajar.

Camilleri was cleared after the court found that the prosecutors had charged him with a crime that only concerned situations wherein an individual threatened or insulted another in private.

Since Camilleri posted the comments to his social media, the charges fell through and he was acquitted.

Back in 9th October 2021, Camilleri took to his Facebook to call the former MP “a liar and totally corrupt”.

In his post, Camilleri warned Cutajar that he would become her “worst nightmare” unless she resigned from politics.

Cutajar then filed a criminal complaint with the police over the social media statement, who subsequently charged the author with insulting and threatening former Labour MP.

The author’s statement stemmed from claims surrounding an alleged romantic relationship between the Cutajar and businessman Yorgen Fenech during the time when he was exposed as the owner of the secret company 17 Black.

Cutajar has also sued Camilleri for libel after he published her private chat history with Fenech. The case is still ongoing.

What do you make of this development?

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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