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Artist Matthew Attard And Curator Elyse Tonna In Conversation At The Italian Cultural Institute In Valletta

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Artist Matthew Attard and curator Elyse Tonna are set to engage in conversation at the Cultural Institute in Valletta over the Maltese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

The exclusive event about I WILL FOLLOW THE SHIP will feature a conversation with the solo artist Matthew Attard and co-curator Elyse Tonna, happening on 28th August at the Italian Cultural Institute in Valletta. 

This event will offer a unique opportunity to delve into the conceptual framework and creative process behind Malta’s pavilion at the prestigious Venice Biennale.

The project delves into humanity’s relationship with artificial intelligence and digital technology, using a digital eye-tracking device for drawing. Through an immersive multimedia experience, the installation challenges our perceptions of authorship, digitalisation , and the hybridisation of humans and machines.

The discussion will explore the innovative ways in which the project navigates the intersection of contemporary drawing, digital technology and the historical significance of maritime graffiti.

The conversation will be happening from 6.30pm until 7.30pm, with refreshments to follow afterwards.

If you’re interested to attend, registration is necessary.

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Sasha is a writer, creator, and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa and send her your stories at [email protected]

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