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Cottonera Lines Main Gate Restoration Works Almost Complete

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The Notre Dame Bastion and Notre Dame Gate in Cottonera have been given some love with restoration works amounting to €850,000 well underway. Notre Dame Gate still stands as the highest point in the area.

“From its towering roof, one can enjoy breath-taking views of most of the island and thus one can comprehend the importance that this structure had in the relay of military signals,” said Minister for the National Heritage Owen Bonnici who was visiting the site with Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli.

The main aim of the restoration project is to keep valorising the patrimonial heritage of the area. “The various historical landmarks are a source of pride in the respective localities and this restoration project safeguards the more important aspects of our heritage,” stated the minister.

Alison Zerafa Civelli praised the workers at the Restoration Directorate for their  commitment and dedication towards the restoration of these two historical sites. “I urge all local councils to  identify and propose historical sites in their respective localities that require restoration works, as this will enable us to continue to preserve our national cultural heritage for future generations,” she said.

The restoration work on Notre Dame Gate is expected to be completed by the end of April 2023. While the work on the bastion and ancillary structures is scheduled to be completed by the end of November 2023.

Architect Daphne Fenech, who is responsible for work being done at Notre Dame Bastion, stated that the primary  focus of the ongoing restoration work along this stretch of fortifications is structural in nature.

She explained that the casemates overlooking Birgu had suffered significant damage which led to heavily weathered stonework  along the flank overlooking Żabbar, which compromised the structural integrity of the fortifications, and thus the current works are focused on this section to ensure safety. 

She continued explaining that works also include the reconstruction of the damaged casemates, and a purposely designed formwork will be used to preserve as much of the original structure as possible while reconstructing the missing section. 

Architect Timothy Portelli, who is responsible for work being done at Notre Dame Gate, explained that the  restoration work includes the external fabric of the upper part of the gate, as well as structural consolidation of internal timber beams.

The decorative trophy of arms around the bust will also be restored, as well as all timber  apertures. Additionally, waterproofing works at roof level will be carried out.

Have you ever seen the Cottonera lines?


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