Learn The Law And Get A Diploma At Your Own Pace
For life to exist as we know it, without a descent into anarchy, almost everything we do is governed by one law or another, from the way we raise our children to how we travel, from what we can buy in the shops to how we promote ourselves online. The law is as important to civilised society as the air we breathe, and encompasses many ethical, philosophical and moral problems involving people with very different stories and backgrounds.
Do you think this sounds fascinating if only you had the time? Then we have great news for you because 21 Academy are now enrolling students for the October 2023 intake of their Diploma in Law (Malta) an 18-month part-time course that’s for everyone who is interested in learning about Maltese law.
Offered via convenient online live sessions, this flexible, accessible course is specifically designed for individuals who have busy schedules and aren’t able to commit to full-time studies, yet want to further their future prospects in the legal field. This diploma opens the door to becoming a legal executive, a court assistant, a regulatory adviser, a compliance officer or getting a similar role with good job security and healthy remuneration.
The course was created by industry experts and is taught by professionals who bring real-world experience and practical knowledge to the learning experience. It will cover a wide range of topics, from the principles of law and the laws that govern how we behave, and learners will gain a thorough and practical knowledge of key areas of Maltese law including civil law, criminal law, gaming law and employment law. Students study at their own pace via interactive and engaging online sessions which include videos, quizzes, and case studies.
The 21 Academy is a licensed higher education institution that also offers a range of courses in subjects such as accounting, finance, legal, business, and management. It is now enrolling students for the October 2023 intake of this Diploma in Law (Malta), so act now to secure your place.
Although the full course fee is €5,250, €4,025 can be refunded through the Get Qualified Scheme on completion: as you’ll only be paying €1125 for this convenient and valuable diploma, signing up is a clear-cut case of common sense! (For those paying by instalments, the total course fee will be €5,750. The €500 instalment fee will be waived for those who book before the end of June 2022 against a non-refundable deposit of €500.)
Get in touch now by calling 2099 5486 or emailing [email protected] for more details.
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