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‘We Can’t Start Our Careers:’ MCAST Nursing Students Open Up About Effects Of MUT Directives

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MCAST students are being overwhelmed with uncertainty as the MUT and Ministry of Education talks rage on without a resolution, leaving students without grades, guidance, and the ability to take the next steps and start their careers.

Petra Dingli, a nursing student at MCAST opened up to Lovin Malta about the sheer frustration that she and hundreds of other students are facing as a result of the ongoing negotiations and subsequent Malta Union of Teachers’ industrial action.

Petra explained that without any of her grades, she and other final year MCAST nursing students will not be able to start working at Mater Dei or Gozo General Hospital, causing them to miss out on wages, putting them at a disadvantage in comparison to the University of Malta nursing graduates, and leaving them in an anxiety-inducing state of limbo.

If this isn’t resolved by around 4th or 5th July, Petra said, they’ll need to wait until September when the academic year starts once again.

“I genuinely want to know my mark, I worked all year for it. After studying for three years, I feel like they’ve ruined my moment,” she remarked, after explaining that despite repeated attempts to contact lecturers, they have not responded.

The interviews and applications to start working are done, but they can’t begin working until they receive their marks, this puts MCAST students at a significant disadvantage, bumping up the seniority of UoM nurses who entered during the same year.

Meanwhile, Gozitan students studying at MCAST who get put on a waiting list to work at the Gozo General Hospital will now be put behind the university students, Petra claimed.

“All I care about is that I get my mark and that I can get to work and give back to our community, nursing is in very high demand and Malta is suffering too,” she said while explaining of course that she’d also like to start earning her full-time wage after years of studying.

“Our country is in great need of nurses, and this delay is preventing us from contributing to the healthcare system at a critical time.”

When asked about her thoughts on the fact that the current principal will not return next year, Petra explained that she tried to contact him but he “brushed it off”, saying that he “hopes a meeting will be set up”.

Petra is one of many students who have reached out to the media as a last resort. One student explained a similar situation to Lovin Malta that is causing “severe anxiety and uncertainty among students”.

“These directives are hindering us from applying for potential jobs and eventually even hindering us from continuing our studies. This delay is not only impacting our immediate future but it will also have a negative effect on our long-term career.”

The student further said that they have tried to contact the ministry as well as the Office of the Prime Minister but have since received no response.

A different student, who is also in their final year, said that the only remaining task to finalise the course is the viva for our dissertation but it was postponed to an unknown date.

“We as students already have plans for jobs and travelling, which we planned ahead to avoid any clashes, however now, we might need to cancel everything which is not fair. Although not of the same importance, we are not able to apply for jobs having a certain requirement due to the marks not being published, this is hindering us.”
“This is really taking a toll on the mental health of students, especially considering the non-stop work that we did for our thesis.”

Meanwhile, students have launched a petition for Prime Minister Robert Abela to intervene and it’s already garnered almost 800 signatures but Abela hasn’t responded. 

“We must protect students from being collateral damage. We plead with the Prime Minister to intervene in this dire situation,” MCAST Student Representative and Media Officer of KSM Matthew Demicoli said.

“For more than a month, MUT directives have led to the postponing of examinations and withholding of results, following a breakdown in negotiations over a new collective agreement. This has left students without the necessary documentation to apply for further education or employment, severely impacting their futures. Final-year students cannot apply for jobs or master’s programs, and others face delays in graduation and academic progression. VIVA examinations for dissertations are also halted, causing significant stress.”

“In a related development, the MCAST Principal was dismissed this morning, adding to the urgency of resolving the current crisis.”

How have you been affected by these directives?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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