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‘I Think I Can Bring Something Different’: Meet MEP Candidate And Economist Clint Azzopardi Flores

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Candidate of the European Parliament elections Clint Azzopardi Flores has explained to Lovin Malta how his rich economic and EU institutional background can offer the parliament something different.

Besides this, he had an interesting response to his favourite candidate from another party: “Miriana Calleja Testaferrata De Noto. We have mutual cousins although not biologically related :). Plus her daddy is a dear person to us.”

This article is part of a Lovin Malta series with MEP candidates ahead of the upcoming election. The same questions are being asked to every single candidate and their answers are being published in their entirety.

1. What made you want to run for the MEP Elections?

I think the idea was born trough the support that I revived from the public after my public appearance on the social media commenting the effects of the war in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia. Back then I said that if the sanctions are not universally applied they might hurt Europe more than Russia. The rest is history.

2. Why should the public vote for you in the upcoming election?

The same was questioned when I was appointed Ambassador to the political and security committee of the EU representing the Maltese government. My preceding EU budget and economic background pushed to decouple funding from lethal weapons and logistics. I brought something different to the PSC committee. And I think I can bring something different today given my past experience working and engaging with the EU institutions.

3. What is the main issue/top priority you would be focusing on if you were to be elected?

The social, especially mental health, as well as policies that improve the quality of life. I will be issuing my priorities later on during the campaign.

4. Can you mention one weakness and one strength of the EU?

Strength: a regulatory superpower know for its diplomatic leverage and peace promotion.

Weakness: the institutional race between the top diplomats of who must do what. They don’t talk to each other and step outside their remits. There are no synergies. We have a High Representative to represent capitals. It’s neither the remit of the EU commission president and the EU Parliament president. Hence the diplomatic chaos we have today.

5. Tell us who your favourite candidate is from another party?

Miriana Calleja Testaferrata De Noto. We have mutual cousins although not biologically related :). Plus her daddy is a dear person to us.

6. And finally, if you weren’t running, who would vote for?

Obviously, Alex Agius Saliba. We go back many years in the party when we were in the opposition.

This action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament’s grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.

Would you like to see Clint Azzopardi Flores represent Malta at the European Parliament?

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