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‘Listening To People’s Concerns Will Be My Priority’: Meet MEP Candidate David Agius

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Nationalist MEP candidate David Agius has spoken to Lovin Malta about what pushed him to contest in the European Parliament elections as well as his priorities if he were to be elected.

“Listening to people’s concerns and acting on them will be my priority. One understands that there are currently various issues that are impacting the daily lives of the Maltese and Gozitans,” he said, before noting the various issues that citizens are facing.

This article is part of a Lovin Malta series with MEP candidates ahead of the upcoming election. The same questions are being asked to every single candidate and their answers are being published in their entirety.

1. What made you want to run for the MEP Elections?

I have been elected to the House of Representatives in Malta for five consecutive times in the last five general elections. Many people from all walks of life encouraged me to contest the MEP elections, as they see it as the natural step ahead after serving as Deputy Leader and Whip of the Nationalist Party and Vice President of EUCDW for several years.


My experience and enthusiasm gave me the comfort to take such a step. The support of my family and friends gives me peace of mind that I can deliver at the European Parliament too.

2. Why should the public vote for you in the upcoming election?

Voting is a right which all citizens should make use of. Being an MEP, means being the link between the citizens and the EU institutions, who make decisions that in one way or another, impact your life.


My eventual role would be to push forward the agenda of the Maltese and Gozitans – through my input in agenda-setting, debating and voting.


Protecting, improving your daily lives and being reachable has been my role in the local Maltese political scene, and that is what I intend to continue to do should you opt to have me as your representative.

3. What is the main issue/top priority you would be focusing on if you were to be elected?

Listening to people’s concerns and acting on them will be my priority. One understands that there are currently various issues that are impacting the daily lives of the Maltese and Gozitans.


These range from inflation, higher property prices, deterioration of the environment, overpopulation and lack of opportunities. There is no magic wand to solve such complex problems. However, we have to listen to these concerns, understand them, and together propose solutions.


Flashy press conferences and fake marketing will not resolve such matters. If I were to mention a top priority, I would choose to work towards better opportunities for workers and strengthening of the European Social Pillar. I would also focus on the environment in Malta and Gozo for our youth, as to avoid the brain drain currently taking place in Malta.

4. Can you mention one weakness and one strength of the EU?

A challenge that the EU is facing is the rise of populist and far-right movements in some member states which challenge its core principles. These movements are making consensus-building more demanding.


The EU’s biggest strength lies in “unity in diversity”. It enables the union to draw on the collective strengths of its diverse member states, fostering resilience, and a shared commitment to common values. This unity not only strengthens the EU internally but also enhances its influence and impact on the global stage.

5. Tell us who your favourite candidate is from another party?

I will choose a candidate who will not shy away from criticising the Maltese Government on matters such as corruption. Hence, I would hence choose Arnold Cassola.

6. And finally, if you weren’t running, who would vote for?

That’s a tough one. The Nationalist Party has a list of very valid candidates, with a wide range of attributes and expertise. I will vote for the one who has made Maltese so proud, Roberta Metsola followed by the rest of all PN Candidates.


This action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament’s grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.

Would you like to see David Agius represent Malta at the European Parliament?

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