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‘It’s A Wonderful And Welcoming Country’: Read Ridley Scott’s Full Statement Following His Malta Comment Controversy

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After he triggered the wrath of many a patriotic Maltese citizen for saying he wouldn’t choose the islands for a holiday, legendary director Ridley Scott has had to issue a full statement on his words, which he’s now calling “an attempt at humor that unfortunately got lost”.
“I have always considered Malta a jewel in the Mediterranean, as evidenced by the four films I have made there (WHITE SQUALL, GLADIATOR, NAPOLEON and GLADIATOR II) over the course of almost three decades,” Scott said in the statement, which was published in full moments ago by Malta Film Commissioner Johann Grech.
“It is a wonderful, welcoming country where I have done some of my very best work, and – in turn – we have brought significant resources and opportunities to the country, as any major film production(s) would.”
Despite this coloured directing history in Malta, Scott ended up attracting the ire of many locals when, during a conversation with just-as-legendary director Sir Christopher Nolan, he seemingly advised people to “not go there on holiday”.


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“My comment – which occurred during a conversation at the DGA with Chris Nolan – was an attempt at humor that unfortunately got lost,” Scott said. “The point being that I have spent so much time on the island over the years – working, exploring, enjoying, and watching it change and evolve – that I wouldn’t need to take a holiday there!”
Ending by showing his appreciation for the “artistic inspiration” he finds in both Malta and the capital of Valletta, Scott went on to thank Grech and the Malta Film Commission, saying he “looks forward to our next collaboration”.
What do you make of Scott’s statement?

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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