Charity Dinner In Aid Of Valletta Restaurant Manager’s Cancer Treatment Sells Out In Four Days

A popular Valletta eatery is set to host a five-course charity dinner in January 2020 in an attempt to raise funds for a restaurant manager diagnosed with stage-three Hodgkins lymphoma. Priced at €50 per head, the restaurant managed to fill every seat in just four days!
The funds raised will go towards manager Kurt Spiteri’s “last hope” of treatment, in Germany. Spiteri works as the floor manager of the Sciacca Grill in Valletta, though the dinner will be held at Capo Crudo.
The full cost of the treatment, including travel and other expenses, is expected to reach near enough €70,000.
Kurt wrote of his tragic situation that “everyday [he challenges] this cancer and survives is a victory for [him].”
“I literally have to remind myself all the time, that being afraid of things going wrong isn’t the way to make things go right.”
Things might just be working out in the right way for Spiteri, as the event has since sold out at maximum capacity.
Customers hadn’t even seen the menu yet!
So far, a crowdfunding attempt to further the donations has already raised over €40,000!
With €11,293 being raised online and another €29,050 through other channels, leaving