‘Fat Boris’ Burger In Buġibba Might Be The Most Over-The-Top Way To Prove Just How Right He Was

Malta took it hard earlier this week when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said we were the only EU country fatter than the Brits.
But one burger joint in the heart of Buġibba – aka the Manchester of Malta – has taken the PM to task and dedicated an over-the-top burger to him.
Hungry Cow has announced its new ‘Fat Borris Bacon’ burger.
This monster of a meal is made up of three patties, six slices of bacon, three slices of cheese, an egg, and onion rings.
Just make sure to order a Diet Coke with it, we don’t want to be too unhealthy.
While we aren’t exactly sure who this “Borris” with the two r’s is, the burger already recieved good feedback. One British commenter seemed rather happy with this spanking new dish, saying “I’m British and far happier in Malta with a pastizzi to hand than I ever was in the UK.”
Head to Hungry Cow to try the ‘Fat Borris Bacon’ burger for yourself… though you might need to join Boris and Tourism Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli on their run afterwards.