Cooking Thousands Of Meals With No Sleep: Group Of Maltese Chefs In Lebanon Give Update On Their Experience

The group of Maltese chefs who flew to Lebanon after raising €41,000 has just published an update on Facebook documenting their first day on the job.
“Thousands of meals done on a three-hour sleep. Getting to bed at 3am last night and up and running at 6.30am this morning. Our new Lebanese colleagues welcomed us with opened arms and spirits were high,” said Rafel Sammut, one of the restauranteurs on the team.
First and possibly hardest day done and dusted!
Thousands of meals done on a 3hr sleep. Getting to bed at 3am…
Posted by Rafel Sammut on Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Sammut explained how they will continue being of support by mingling with the locals to better understand what they’re going to, being able to empathise.
A video recently posted shows how the NGOs mentioned above are not only for Lebanon but aimed to help multitudes of people including an Ethiopian charity that functions out of Lebanon itself.
Posted by Ali Baba on Tuesday, August 18, 2020
There was an admirable outpouring of support for these charitable souls following this update that some even described as “restoring their faith in humanity”.