Once You Taste This Amazing Traditional Maltese Coffee There’s No Going Back

Coffee is literally our drug. Some of us cannot function without one in the morning, others cannot hold it together without a comforting cup of this wholesome drink. Whichever one it is, we can all agree that this beandrink is a magical blessing sent in our lives to make it bearable.
Thankfully, we have recently discovered Kafe Msajjar, one of the best things that has happened to us since like, mqaret. Here’s how you can make your own Maltese coffee at home.
You need to gather up some material first
Obviously, you need a coffee stove. You’re not doing this in the abominable instant coffee way.
If you have an actual Maltese stanjata it’s better, but we’re assuming that you don’t, so it’s ok. We use an espresso pot, because using a stanjata means we would also be using a sieve, which we hate.
Next, you will need to get ground coffee.
You can choose whatever blend you want, but we like our Arabica more than anyone else. A dark French also goes well, so really just go with what you feel is best for you. You will also be needing ground aniseed, ground cloves, ground roasted chicory (ċikwejra) and a dash of alcohol.
We’re boozy people, so we add Kahlua, dark rum or coffee liqueur to it, but you do you.
So let’s recap:
- Stanjata or espresso pot
- Ground Coffee
- Ground Aniseed
- Roasted Chicory
- Ground Cloves
- Booze?
The mixture should be done according to your taste preference, however if this is your first time doing it, maybe you should try it our way.
In a small bowl, mix five tablespoons of ground coffee with two teaspoons of chicory, half a teaspoon of ground cloves and half a teaspoon of ground aniseed.
Place this mixture in your pot’s funnel along with whichever amount of water you deem fit in the boiler.
Try to pack the coffee in as tightly as you can; it comes out nicer that way.
In the meantime, if you like your coffee sweet, opt for some good local honey or carob syrup instead of sugar. You won’t regret it, we promise. You can scoop some honey in your favourite mug along with whatever boozy shot (or three) you settled on while the coffee is brewing.
You can pour the coffee in and maybe add a dash of milk to it too, however it tastes nicer sans-dairy.
Enjoy your traditional kafe msajjar, you deserve it!
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