WATCH: YouTube Star Does A Taste Test Of Malta’s Favourite Snacks

Internet star Lance Stewart has released a video showing him and two friends tasting some of Malta’s most treasured guilty snacks. It features the nation’s all-time favourites, from Krips, to Jumbo to the historic Jungle Sticks – so you know you have to tune it to find out what the verdict is these absolute classics.
Here’s some of the most notable moments in the taste text.
1. When they were floored by the size of Jumbo snacks
Yup we like to super-size our ridiculously, over-flavoured cheese foods.

2. When they tasted Twistees Smokey BBQ flavour instead of original Cheese…
Are these people fucking insane or what?

3. When they compared Pizza Rings to jablo
Well obviously they don’t taste good if you’re eating them wrong – you have to place each one on your fingertip and bite it off from there. #amateurs

4. When they were like “Krips taste like Pringles”
And we were like – yeah bitches, but which do you think came first?!

5. When they hated French Fries
We literally have no words.

6. When they said Galletti had no flavour
Hold on. Galletti without bigilla or any other dipping equivalent. Fair enough.

7. When tasting Tastees sent them over the edge
They just haven’t built a tolerance for that burny, fake-bacony taste. It will come guys, it will come.

8. Their un-called for take-down of an ultimate childhood fave
Jungle Sticks taste like grass? Ok, we need to be alone right now.