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7 Types Of People You Will Find At The Spa

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A spa is a funny place, a hub of relaxation with some chilling in the jacuzzi, others getting their massages, and others getting drunk.

As we enter the holiday season and simultaneously one of the more stressful seasons, a spa day may be just the thing for you.

If you’ve ever been to a spa, you may have noticed these seven types of spa-goers, all with their own sneaky agenda:

1. The couple or honeymooners who take over the jacuzzi bath

Whenever there’s a couple at the spa, you can instantly tell that they have just started dating or are in their ”honeymoon phase”.

This is a popular date for many; it gives the couple a chance to relax and just enjoy quiet time spent together. Consequently, the jacuzzi somehow is always occupied, it is definitely not fair that we singletons cannot relax and enjoy a drink there.

2. The mums having their time away from kids but won’t stop talking about their kids

You can always hear the chattering of a Maltese mother talking about her children. It is usually the mother’s first time at the spa and was invited by a sister or friend – she is above spa rules.

Why go to a spa if you’re going to endlessly talk about everything you’re trying to forget whilst you’re there?

3. The comfortable nudists and the ones that cover-up

Many go to the spa to embrace their birthday suit. The spa is one of the few public spaces where being naked or half-naked is a given. However, being naked is not a requirement and will never be forced, so one may choose as they wish, obviously do not go in a full-body suit or jacket!

4. The lucky ones that got a voucher for a massage and go, but don’t like to be touched by strangers

There’s always that one person who hates physical touch, and despises spas but was given a gift voucher for a birthday or Christmas and does not want to waste the money.

You can easily detect this spa-goer because they end up complaining the whole time. If you are this type of person and have a voucher, please send it our way!

5. The lightweight that doesn’t get out much and gets plastered on the bottomless prosecco and over-shares

For these, a spa-day is the equivalent of a Paceville night. This spa-goer is clearly wasted, but somehow hiding it well, even though they’re a lightweight. I guess the spa scene makes it easier to relax when drunk than the chaotic party scene. Hopefully, they’re far enough where you’re still smelling the lavender spa smell, and not the alcohol breath when they keep over-sharing.

6. The ones celebrating a 40th and getting kicked out for being too loud

Probably a drunk Maltese mother talking about her kids, this type of person is ready to party, just chose the wrong venue.

The drama definitely adds to the excitement of the day, and everyone secretly enjoys people getting kicked out of establishments – unless you’re the person being kicked out.

And last but not least:

7. The mum and daughter yearly outing

There’s not much that beats hanging out in robes and slippers, this duo is either completely loving it or hating it. It is definitely a good bonding experience, and can bring the mother and daughter closer together. Unfortunately, sometimes an argument can strike on the way to the spa together, and their tension can be felt by everyone else around.

Whether you’re in need of a spa-day or are looking for a good gift to give someone this Christmas, you can find some amazing deals on DealToday.

DealToday provides boundless deals and bargains in Malta. All year round you can find an extensive range of discounts, with some spa deals going up to 50% off – definitely worth it, even to those who don’t like being touched or only want to go for the drinks…

It allows you to enjoy the Christmas holidays without worrying too much about the money. 

All you need to do is create an account, purchase the deal and check your inbox for a voucher, which you can present to the establishment to get your deal. In the case of products, you just need to key in your address or a recipient’s address, with delivery free in most cases. T&Cs apply

What type of spa-goer are you? And will you be benefitting from these deals?

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Kira is an open-minded person who loves anything creative and anything… words. A theatre kid at heart, with a passion for film, activism, and literature. Contact her on Instagram via @kira_markss or email her on [email protected]
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