9 Destinations Maltese Teens Love Travelling To

This is it! You’re 18 and you own the world. You’ve finally saved enough money to look your parents in the eye, and tell them you’re getting the hell out of here. You’ve done your research; noted the best restaurants, attractions, shops, clubs and cafes. You’re finally ready for a trip with your friends.
We’re here to tell you that the places you’re about to see have already been snapped, Instagram-ed and placed in a Facebook album on your friends’ timeline. In fact, everyone’s already been there so many times, that we’ve decided to make a list of the most popular destinations.
That being said, there’s no reason not to be looking forward to your trip. Here are the top destinations Maltese teens travel to.
1. Barcelona
“Inġibu naqa iktar paella u sangria?!”
The perfect place to be in summer (apart from Malta, of course).
A city inspired by the great Salvador Dali, with its picture perfect streets, insane architecture, positive vibes and fantastic attractions. Welcoming millions of tourists every year, and having fantastic clubs, it’s not hard to see why so many young Maltese are tempted to visit year after year.

2. Amsterdam
“Ma, I’m going because of, like, culture and stuff”
You can’t hide from us you stoner pervert; your red eyes and the bulge in your pants give it away. Sure you’ll get a bike and go around the city. You’ll visit Anne Frank’s house and maybe even do some shopping and check out the Heineken factory. But you’ll do it slowly, taking breaks at ‘coffee’ shops and stopping for literally anything that looks like it could be eaten.

3. Berlin
“zwei Bier bitte”
Berlin is a unique city. A metropolitan wonder that attracts a multicultural array of peoples from all over the world. It also happens to be a heaven for techno, with some of the best clubs in the world. There’s almost nothing better than having a beer with your friends and getting caught up in the city’s hype.

4. London
#LondonCalling #UKSquad #OxfordStreet
Once considered the home of culture and civilization across the known world, currently Malta’s favourite Primark destination.
As you walk down Oxford Street, there’s almost a guaranteed chance of hearing a colourful mix of the Maltese language booming through some stores and shaking you to your very core.
That being said, it’s a perfect destination. Littered with attractions, football stadiums, shows, bars, pubs, clubs, shops, restaurants, gardens, and parks, there’s always something to do and experience.
And hey; they speak English, so that’s a plus.

5. Paris
“MWA MWA #Blessed”
Ah, the city of love. The perfect destination for young teenage lovers to go. The city breathes baguettes, cheese and wine.
With the Louvre, Notre Dame, The Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower standing as towering beacons of culture, and some of the finest restaurants and cafes’ in the world, it’s the perfect place to visit with your teenage boy/girl friend.

6. Italy
“Ciao BELLA”
As soon as RyanAir announce discounts on half their flights to Italy, half of Malta empties to party it up in Rome for the weekend. A hour flight for less than €20? Yes. Please.
A perfect place for shopping, skiing, watching football, and experiencing culture. Definitely one of Malta’s favourite places to visit.
We hear they also make some pretty decent pizza and pasta, and we all know how much Maltese people love food.

7. Ayia Napa
More commonly referred to as “AIYA FUCKING NAPA”
Exams over, tops printed, shades on your face, and sunblock in the luggage. Yes, it’s time for the ultimate lad / lass holiday.
Words will never do an experience of this calibre justice. It’s a wild ride, responsibilities go out the window faster than you can pour tequila shots. A once in a lifetime trip every ‘bro’ should experience, as a liver transplant required for a second trip may be hard to come by.

8. Poland
Poland is a beautiful country engulfed in history and culture, but let’s face it; all you really need to make a young Maltese person happy is vodka and cheap food and accommodation.

9. Thailand
“Vera ‘l bogħod, imma spiritual experience ta’ veru”
You’ve taken all your injections, rendering you immune to virtually any disease on the planet. Your body is prepared for the long treks across the country with some breathtaking views.
You will undoubtedly return with a broader perspective (and a hippier fashion sense), annoying all your friends with stories of how you found yourself at peace with nature.