A Quick Look Into Other Things Hugo Could Invest In
An introduction isn’t really necessary. It’s the weekend, and pretty much everything you touch is already owned by him. You may not know him personally but you sure as hell know his name: Hugo. He’s taking over the island so here are a few other things that would be hilarious if Hugo were to own them.
1. Hugo’s condoms
Let Hugo come inside of you.
2. Hugo’s Primary School
If you want your kids to be business savvy you know where to send them.
3. Transport Hugo
Ride it like he does.
All buses would have plush seats, air conditioning and party music. Hugo if you are reading this, can you make this happen please.
4. Air Hugo
Join Hugo in the mile high club!
5. Hugo’s Cathedral
Hmm maybe not.
6. Splash and Fun with Hugo
No, it’s not another strip club…but you will get wet.
7. Hugo’s Hosptial
Prescribing anti-hugotics to make you better. And imagine the staff.
8. Hugo’s Gozo
At this point… why not?
8. HuGozo Ferry
The only logical way to get to Hugo’s Gozo.
10. H-cabs
Pick up like Hugo.
11. Hugo’s Pet Shop
The best place to get pussy and bitches.
Whatever you think of him the businesses that Hugo owns are always well staffed and well equipped. Let’s face it, Hugo DOES do it better. (But please don’t buy Gozo).