Lovin Malta Becomes Biggest Maltese News Platform On Facebook With More Than 200,000 Followers
Lovin Malta is officially Malta’s biggest news platform on Facebook, after being the first to hit more than 200,000 likes and followers on its page.
Across its platforms of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, Lovin Malta has a combined following of nearly 300,000.
“Four years ago, we took on the challenging task of building a sustainable media organisation from scratch at a time when the news industry was already heavily under pressure,” said founder and CEO Chris Peregin. “Today, as the social and economic realities hit harder than ever, we are humbled by the response from our readers who have come to see Lovin Malta as an invaluable source for daily news, information and entertainment. We are very conscious of the responsibility this places on our shoulders to deliver even better work in these moments of crisis.”
Lovin Malta is not only a strong provider of local news and journalism, but also hosts a number of online TV shows including Lovin Daily, Kaxxaturi, Lovin Eats, Off The Rails, Basically and most recently #CovidCalls.
The company is currently operating completely remotely, while providing on-the-minute news to its growing readership.
“Before the crisis hit, we had already introduced a work-from-home-one-day-a-week policy to help working parents juggle their work-life balance,” said Chief Operations Officer Bettina Falzon. “This made it easier for us to be among the first companies to adapt to a 100% remote-working setup successfully.”
Tim Diacono, the editor of LovinMalta.com, has led the team’s coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak.
“Looking back at all the challenges we’ve overcome as an organisation, I am determined for us to rise to the occasion once again during this tough period,” Diacono said. “It is at these times that the work of journalists is more important than ever. Our success shows that the future of media houses doesn’t have to be bleak.”
Head of Business Development David Grech said Lovin Malta had pioneered an alternative business model to the traditional media landscape and will do this once again in this moment of global economic crisis.
“Today, there is a bigger demand than ever for online news and e-commerce advertising,” Grech said. “We have already responded to the changing realities of our clients but we will continue to innovate to be able to provide commercial solutions that drive results. We do this so that we can invest further in pursuing our core purpose of being the number one source of reliable and engaging information on the island.”