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‘A Permanent Emblem Of Pride’: Maltese Tattoo Artist And Naturalist Team Up For Local Biodiversity

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If you’re planning on getting a tattoo done and are not quite sure what to get, have you ever considered permanently representing Maltese biodiversity on your skin?

A collaboration between a local tattoo artist and a naturalist who both love each other’s line of work has resulted in a wholesome crossover which might be just what many out there are looking for.

“When I was young I used to draw sketches to accompany my biological works but quickly realised that I have no sort of talent in drawing so I should stick to what I do best and describe the natural world through my writings,” popular Maltese naturalist Arnold Sciberras told Lovin Malta. It’s for this reason that Sciberras brought in the skills of long-time acquaintance and admirer Lisa Falzon, whose work has always been unapologetically unique.

For the past year, Lisa and Arnold have embarked on a small project to make sure art is used as a means to spread the message for conversation – giving the opportunity for people to get tattoos that represent the Maltese culture and what the islands have to offer.

And whether that’s an instantly recognisable landscape, unique flora, or the many indigenous, endemic and endangered species of animals we have, the project has already resulted in a number of awesome and one-of-a-kind tattoos.


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“There are loads of species and breeds to choose from locally that are in danger of becoming extinct,” Sciberras told Lovin Malta. “One key to stopping this is awareness. Everywhere you go, put pressure on local and foreign authorities to conserve such species. What better way is there to do such a thing than carrying the emblem of that species on your body?”

Obviously, the main body of work is carried out by the tattoo artist… but having someone like Arnold as a scientific consultant prior to the tattoo being made doesn’t hurt – if you’re going to have a permanent emblem and feel proud to be an ambassador of that particular species one is trying to make awareness of, might as well make sure it’s as accurate as possible!

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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