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Empowering Artists: Government’s Pledge To Protect Creative Freedom

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The Government’s commitment to artistic freedom of expression and support for artists is evident in its actions and legislative initiatives. Minister for the Arts Owen Bonnici and Minister for Reforms Byron Camilleri have expressed their belief in the vital role of artists and their contributions to society.

When it became known that several artists were facing charges following a criminal report, the Government promptly launched a legislative process to further strengthen artistic expression.

The bill, which aims to enact safeguards to prevent the misuse of the criminal justice system and protect artistic expression, has already been approved in the first reading by the House of Representatives.

The proposed amendments provide guidelines for interpreting the law concerning the prohibition of insults and threats, as well as the misuse of electronic communication, in a way that does not impede artistic, satirical, or comical expression.

As long as an artist’s expressions do not constitute credible and realistic threats to another person’s freedom, personal security, or property, they should be protected under the law.

Bonnici expressed that the government believes artists should have the freedom to express themselves in the broadest possible manner when it comes to their cultural expression. He reiterated the government’s commitment to artists and their creativity, emphasising that artists should not be treated as criminals for practicing their profession.

Camilleri stated that the bill aims to protect artistic freedom while ensuring that the criminal justice system is not abused. He highlighted the importance of artistic expression and rejected the notion of restricting artists’ creativity or subjecting them to legal action.

He said that art, including satire, can be controversial but should not be stifled by fear of legal consequences.

Camilleri also highlighted the inconsistency of applauding foreign artists and satirists while local artists facing similar circumstances end up in court. He expressed the view that the justice system should not become a tool for suppressing the arts or freedom of thought. This bill represents the government’s commitment to reform and its fearlessness in challenging the status quo.

Following its publication, the bill will be swiftly discussed in the second reading in parliament, further indicating the government’s dedication to ensuring the protection and promotion of artistic freedom of expression in Malta.

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