Groundwaters: Collective Exhibition Exploring Outsider Art, Pain And Hope Launched At Valletta

Groundwaters is a collective exhibition which explores outsider art in Malta, as well as stories of pain, hope, survival and strength.
The exhibition, exploring outsider perspectives and visions elsewhere, kicked off at Valletta’s Contemporary Gallery on East Street from 30th September until 12th November 2022.
“It brings together work made by individuals functioning on the fringes of the mainstream as well as fetish dolls, ex-voto paintings and other objects rooted in religion, magic and ritual.”
The body of work features artworks by Anonymous, Emma Attard, Adrian Camilleri, William Driscoll, Emma Johnson, Salvina Muscat and Joe Vassallo. It includes ex-voto paintings, West African Bocio fetish dolls and other objects which have their roots in religion, magic and ritual.
The label of outsider art has come to function as an umbrella term for individuals producing artwork outside the culturally established centres of psychological or social normality.
Outsider art is characterised by an almost total stylistic freedom and unique use of materials with a disregard for ‘correct’ form as well as a lack of concern for art-historical context.
One of the widest defining features of outsider art is that it is unselfconscious and unmoored from the usual cultural forces directing artists in their practice.
The category itself is a site of conceptual conflict. Groundwaters are being put together in order to address the lack of representation for individuals who are marginalised (by choice or otherwise) and who are creating artistic work on the fringes of the mainstream.
The common theme across the work in the show is that its creation stems from a deeply felt need which is transformative in intent. Whether this need is therapeutic, expressive or meditative, it is not artistic in the regular sense.
The artwork in this exhibition bypasses the circuits of conventional creativity and plunges straight into the groundwaters of our collective subconscious – it is therefore indicative of our hidden psychological and social architecture.
This project is the first in Malta to explore outsider perspectives. To place outsider, naïve, unselfconscious and brut art into a white cube space is to challenge and disturb the art-world mechanism of sanctioning the right to create truth.
This project is funded by the Malta Arts Council Project Support Scheme
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