WATCH: Jason Micallef Claims He’s Found The Vandals Of Valletta Statues

The chairperson of the Valletta 2018 Foundation has uploaded a ten-second video, which he claims proves a group of four teenagers had vandalised the new polystyrene statues in the capital city.
The video shows the four teens laughing at and touching the rear of the statue in Triton Square of a naked man sticking his head in an onion – meant to symbolise the Maltese proverb ‘Min jidħol bejn il-basla u qoxritha jibqa’ b’riħitha’. The camera then stops filming before turning back to the statue, which now has a chunk of polystyrene ripped out of its rear.
Valletta 2018 chairperson Jason Micallef said he has passed on this footage to the police.
“I urge anyone with information about these youths to call the police or the Valletta Foundation 2018 on 21242018,” he said.
The statues, the work of Maltese artists Joel Saliba and Margaret Pace, were carted off this morning for restoration works after they were allegedly vandalised over the weekend.