WATCH: Amber’s New Song Features Mary Rose Mallia And All Is Okay In The World

Vocal powerhouse Amber Bondin is back with a bang.
Her new song ‘Tifkiriet’ is chock full of references to Maltese classics such as ‘L-Ewwel Tfajla li ?abbejt’, ‘L-A??ar Bidwi’, and ‘O ?mien ?elu’. And it features the best Maltese classic that music has to offer: Mary Rose Mallia.

Mary Rose sings alongside Amber as they refer to a simpler time when things where easy and breezy and happy. It’s all very nostalgic, and the choir of kids that comes in at the bridge makes it all the more so.

Amber wrote the song alongside Elton Zarb, and author Simon Bartolo. Bartolo is mostly known for his writing ability in the theatre world, having previously scripted controversial plays ‘Jien N?obb Into T?obb’ and ‘?abbilni ?a Nirba?’.
And speaking of theatre, you can catch more of Mary Rose Mallia in Teatru Malta’s performance of ‘Il-Madonna Tag?hna A?jar Minn Tieg?ek’.
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