Dinosaurs And Jesus: Creationism Comes To Malta University With ‘Ex-Gay’ Leading The Musical Choir
Dream interpretation and healing, Bible quizzes, and xeba dinosaurs: welcome to the world of Creation Village at the University of Malta.
If you thought Malta was safe from America’s insane branch of Creationist Christianity, think again: Matthew Grech – yes, the infamous ‘ex-gay’ X Factor Malta guy – is back at it again, this time using dinosaurs to promote his questionable ideals.
“Creation Village will undoubtedly change people’s outlook on the Christian faith, from dead religion to living faith!” said the Royal Seed Music group, which Matthew forms a part of.
“Creation Village will act as a fire starter to help launch new Godly ideas and visions into the real world. It’s a fresh concept that births a fusion of art, music, science, gastronomy, morality and spirituality in one thrilling event!”
Families are being invited to partake in and enjoy “Bible quizzes, interactive games, prizes, and freebies for every age group.”
You’ll also be able to discuss topics like abortion, freedom of speech and morality while enjoying music by Christian musicians, such as Matthew Grech.
People were left confused that Malta’s highest educational institution would allow things like Christian Dream Interpretation to happen on campus.
Beyond the adult activities, there are tons of activities for kids, with a strong ‘dinosaur theme’ being used in the marketing materials.
While different strains of Creationism differ in their belief of evolution and dinosaurs, it’s safe to say that Royal Seed Music have a soft spot for the bad boys.
Indeed, you can even get your hands on some dino-inspired tickets to buy items at the stalls, including my personal favourite, The Velociraptor Ticket.
The free event is on right now, even though it seems like God may have literally rained on their parade.
We’re just wondering: can we get a branded T-Rex ticket without having to listen to Matthew Grech singing?