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Why Malta’s Upcoming Conference On Elderly Care Affects Us All

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We don’t often think about it, but there’s something that connects every single one of us: we’re all growing older. And as Malta’s population ages, it is important to ask ourselves, what future are we building for our older selves?

On 28th November, a national conference is tackling some of these big questions that affect us all: How do we protect the rights of older people? How do we stay healthier and more active as we age? How can we harness technology to improve the experience of growing older? And what can we learn from successful policies in other countries?

Hosted by the International Institute on Ageing United Nations – Malta (INIA) and Healthmark, this half-day event is all about shaping the present and future of the island. It is about figuring out how Malta can lead the way in ensuring that older persons don’t just survive, but thrive in a society that values them at every stage of life.

Nurses, carers, teachers, engineers, business owners, tech developers, policy makers—whatever our background, we all have a part to play in creating a future where we can age with dignity and independence. What we build, design, teach, and create today will shape our tomorrow for our loved ones and ourselves.

Take AI, for example. Imagine a future where technology and human care come together seamlessly, enhancing—not replacing—the support older people need. How will this affect how we design our cities and homes or how we build healthcare systems that work for everyone?

Professor Alexiei Dingli, Malta’s AI guru from the University of Malta, will be leading the charge during the conference on how digital companions could improve the quality of life for older people.

From global experts like Lisa Warth from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, who will share best practices from around the world, to Malta’s own leading geriatrician, Dr. Mark-Anthony Vassallo, this conference will bring together the brightest minds to discuss how we can support active, healthy ageing in Malta.

Charlotte Sant Portanier, CEO of Healthmark, says: “Our mission is to make sure that older people are not just seen but actually valued, cared for, and empowered to live their lives to the fullest. By coming together to discuss how we want to shape this future, we can combine our efforts and work towards common goals.”

Marvin Formosa, Director of INIA, says “By bringing together local and international experts, this conference allows us to examine global trends and how we can apply them to Malta’s specific context. It is an opportunity to address the emerging challenges and capitalise on the opportunities that come with an ageing population.”

From left to right: Professor Alexiei Dingli and Lisa Warth

From left to right: Professor Alexiei Dingli and Lisa Warth

So, what kind of future do you want to grow old in? The time to start shaping it is now.

Tickets for Safeguarding The Rights Of Older Persons: Innovations In Healthy And Active Ageing are available on showshappening.com, and the conference will be held at the Salini Resort on 28th November from 8.30am to 1pm.

The event is supported by Sidroc, Care Malta, Sana Sensitive and the Maltese Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

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