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Birdlife Malta Condemns The Removal And Destruction Of Trees In Mosta Square

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Birdlife Malta issued a statement condemning the removal and destruction of the trees in Mosta Square.

“This morning the butchering of these trees in preparation for uprooting by Mosta’s Local Council with the blessing of ERA – Environment & Resources Authority, has started,” the NGO wrote on their social media. 


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“BirdLife Malta is pleading with the authorities to stop the work immediately. At this time of the year thousands of #WhiteWagtails (Zakak Abjad), #CommonStarlings (Sturnell) and #SpanishSparrows (Għasfur tal-Bejt) find refuge in these Ficus Trees during the night when they roost together in safety,” the organisation added.

“This is the only roosting site for White Wagtails outside of Valletta and the idea of removing them is wrong, whilst the timing is even worse. We call on the authorities to stop the works immediately,” Birdlife concluded in their statement.

Local activist Steve Zammit Lupi also commented on the situation as he described the Ficus trees next to the Rotunda as the “most beautiful scene in the urban environment inside Mosta.”

“They have been offering shade, shelter and greenery for over 50 years. Now they will soon be removed by Mosta Local Council with permission from ERA,” Zammit Lupi added.

Moviment Graffiti also issued a statement on the situation condemning the action.

“The public has lost all confidence in authorities like ERA due to its senseless decisions showing that it is not worth of the role entrusted to it and instead betraying the principles of protecting the common good and of environmental protection,” the organisation wrote on social media

Do you think the authorities should stop these works?

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Lovin Malta’s social media coordinator, Charlene is a massive Swiftie obsessed with animals, scrolling and travelling. If she’s in the country for more than a day, you can find her reading on @onlyforthebooks

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