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Xeba Bard! 7 Ways People Combat The Brutal Cold Of Maltese Homes

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Winter is here, and that means that everyone in Malta is feeling the chill in their bones. With our homes being literal humidity traps, we have had to resort to some unusual ways to combat the cold. From adding on layer upon layer to some not-so-environmentally friendly methods, the Maltese will do anything to not get frosty. 

Let’s take a look at the top seven ways almost everyone has done at least once in the hopes of feeling warmer this season.

1. Wearing fuzzy socks 

There is nothing worse than having freezing cold feet. Tummy aches, gas, and an all-around cold feeling are just inevitable if you leave your feet bare. That’s why snuggling up with a thick pair of fuzzy socks is the first thing you should do as soon as you get home. 

2. Wrapping up in lożor tal-flanella 

Creating your very own cocoon of blankets is the best way to go about keeping warm. Layers upon layers of these iconic fleecy blankets will undoubtedly keep you dreaming of your bed the whole day. Snuggle up and cosy up with some lożor tal-flanella.

3. Donning a house robe 

Wrapping up in a million and one layers is crucial when it comes to surviving Malta’s winters. The iconic house robe is definitely part of everyone’s wardrobe and a staple pyjama item. Snuggling up on the sofa with your fleecy house robe is arguably the only way you can relax. 

4. Wearing outdoor clothes inside 

Now, this one’s a weird one, but a lot of people wear beanie’s, scarves, and other outdoor clothing inside. We may look weird as hell to anyone looking in, but those extra layers really do keep you warm and cosy. 

5. Using the oven as a fireplace 

Hitting two birds with one stone is what the Maltese are all about. That’s why keeping the oven open once you’re done cooking up some mqarrun il-forn and using that heat to keep you warm is a great way to keep the cold away. Plus, you’ll make your whole kitchen smell scrumptious. 

6. Showering exclusively with scalding hot water

This one may be the least environmentally friendly one, but showering with only hot water is another way we combat the cold. Getting the bathroom all hot and steamy before you even start getting ready to shower means that there’s no way you’re going to feel nippy for even a second. 

7. Consuming a lot of hot beverages 

Last but not least, we have a continuous stream of tea, coffee, and hot chocolate which are always being brewed to keep your insides warm. Getting all wrapped up in clothes and a lot of layers work, but sometimes, you just need that extra something to warm you up from the inside. 

That’s where the Haier Flexi units come in 

With four air conditioning units to choose from, you can be sure that you’ll no longer be spending your winter months doing one of these 7 things to keep warm. 

Available in matt black and white, these Titan AC units will surely make the perfect addition to your home. Keeping you cool in summer and all warm and toasty in winter, you will get a whole lot of use out of this appliance. 

Coming with eco sensors, Wi-Fi control, a 24-hour timer, and so many more features, this AC unit will make controlling the temperature of your home a breeze. 

A brand new air-conditioner that is energy efficient such as the Haier Air Conditioners, are much more efficient on heating than cooling. At the end of the day, when it’s working, it’s even cheaper than cooling! It is also cheaper than electric or gas heaters and it’s proven that an air conditioner is one of the most effective ways of heating up your homes.

Long gone are the days of cuddling up in bathrobes and consuming eight cups of Ovaltine per day to keep warm. With these super convenient Titan Air Conditioning units, you can set the room to your perfect temperature at the press of a button. 

Tag someone who’s always cold! 

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Greta's a creative person who loves to lend a hand to anyone in need. She's also quite quick when it comes to writing... and talking. You can see what shenanigans she gets up to on her personal instagram @littlegretz or shoot her an email at [email protected]!
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