Three Reasons Why You Should Be Protesting At Comino Tomorrow

The day is almost upon us, as citizens and activists gear up for tomorrow’s national protest at Comino’s Blue Lagoon.
Following a very successful action last month, it’s now time to take another stand against the takeup of public land and shoreline by private beach vendors.
While official registration closed yesterday, ferries are constantly coming and going from Ċirkewwa or Marfa bay, so it’s not too late to decide to join.

Moviment Graffitti has given three very clear reasons to protest at Comino on 13th August, here’s why:
1. Comino needs your help
“For too long, the situation on Comino, especially the Blue Lagoon, has been allowed to deteriorate. Uncontrolled mass tourism and the absence of a long-term management plan have degraded the island’s natural environment, putting a huge strain on its flora and fauna.”
If we don’t continue pushing on this issue and make sure that action is taken as soon as possible, Comino as we know it will cease to exist.
2. Make your voice heard
“The protest will be a perfect opportunity to express your displeasure about the state of the Blue Lagoon. Commenting on Facebook is all well and good, but there’s nothing like a public display of anger by a large crowd of people to make the authorities sit up and pay attention.”
Not happy with the current situation? Then get up and go do something about it.
3. It will be fun
“Despite Comino being one of the most beautiful places in Malta, many people tell us they’ve never visited. And with good reason, since the Blue Lagoon has effectively been turned into a noisy, overcrowded private lido.”
“Our protest will be a safe space for people to enjoy Comino without feeling pressured to rent a deckchair. A fun, relaxed atmosphere is guaranteed, and after the protest, you can go for a swim or explore the many landmarks on the island.”
Quite possibly the most ideal scenario for a protest – especially in the hot summer days that the month of August brings with it. At least you know you can jump in the sea for a dip as soon as you’ve made your voice heard.
You don’t need to get much with you to join this protest – just get yourself a ticket, some sunblock, plenty of water, a towel and a packed lunch – and you’re good to go.
Will you be joining tomorrow’s protest in Comino?