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Environment NGO Objects Planning Application To Replace San Anton Conservatory With Two ‘Multi-Purpose Halls’

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Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) submitted an objection to an application planning to “replace the existing conservatory and bird cage structures,” in San Anton Gardens.

The application was submitted by Project Green with the aims of turning the current structures into two “multi-purpose halls”.

“The lack of clarity regarding the replacement structures leads to concern as to the final use of these enclosures,” said FAA, speculating an “eventual commercial use” of the proposed halls “for the holding of events or receptions.”

“Such commercial uses would require amplified music and the transportation of catering supplies into the venue, which would cause great harm to the already damaged flagstone paths,” the NGO continued.

FAA went on to say that the proposed San Anton developments could potentially “destroy” the Grade 1-listed site and the “very serenity that draws the public” to the “oasis of peace”.

The NGO also raised questions as to why the Superintendent for Cultural Heritage signed off on the plans while the Planning Authority’s Design Committee itself requested further information.

Lovin Malta reached out to the Government environmental agency Project Green to ask whether the project is indeed intended for commercial purposes.

“No commercial activities are planned or will be allowed within the restored structure,” a spokesperson for Project Green confirmed, adding that “the area is intended to serve for educational purposes, art exhibitions and similar activities.”

The entity provided the newsroom with the drawings that were submitted with the Planning Authority.

“This drawing has been designed in line with the existing vernacular features of the site and in full consultation with all relevant stakeholders, in particular the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage,” said the Project Green spokesperson.

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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