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Everything You Need To Know About What The HPF Rangers Do For Malta’s Environment

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The Heritage Parks Federation (HPF) was founded by environmental NGOs Din L-Art Ħelwa, the Gaia Foundation, and Nature Trust Malta, back in 2008.

This came following the inauguration of the Majjistral Nature and History Park when the management of the park was passed on to the Federation.

Throughout the years, Majjjstral Park has had Rangers to care for the daily upkeep of the Parks and its ongoing projects such as maintenance, afforestation, and various educational activities.

And this is where the Ranger Unit comes in. 

In 2021, a ranger was employed specifically for patrolling and making sure that site regulations were followed within the park borders.

The first patrolling ranger employed was no one other than the renowned environmentalist Cami Appelgren, who is now in charge of the patrolling unit.

The HPF Ranger Unit was launched earlier this year, as a way to extend the uptake area for the patrolling rangers.

The ranger unit doesn’t only just patrol the Majjjstral Park but also covers the areas that fall under Nature Trust Malta and Din L-Art Helwa such as Chadwick Lakes, Pembroke Natura2000, Red Tower, and White Tower among many others. 

During 2021 alone, the patrolling rangers have done over 1,300 km of foot patrols and logged around 700 observations and site regulation breaches.

The HPF Ranger Unit always chooses to place education and prevention first and works together with the public to create a long-term positive change when it comes to safeguarding the environment and biodiversity.

The unit has also been endorsed by the police, with whom they work closely on cases where legal action has to be taken.

Their presence on the sites has had a positive effect with the statistics starting to show that the number of offenses is going down, while the instances of the ranger unit educating the public or preventing a law breach are going up.

The unit is currently looking for volunteers so that their uptake can grow, in turn covering more areas and hours.

Are you interested in joining them? Contact them here!

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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