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Meet The ReRoot Team, Dedicated To Bringing Zero-Waste Culture To The Maltese Islands

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With plastic-free July quickly coming to an end, we’re here to remind you that this mindset should not be only for July – it should be for all of life.

Ensuring great options for anyone that would like to lead a sustainable lifestyle in Malta, ReRoot is a local business that’s also dedicated to raising awareness on the matter.

Lovin Malta sat down with ReRoot’s founders JP and Tina, to hear more about their pledge to sustainability, zero-waste, and a greener future.

How did ReRoot come into existence?

“My sister Tina and I always felt a strong connection with the environment and nature in Malta and Gozo. From a young age, we remember spending most of our weekends on family picnics and exploring areas of Rabat, Chadwick lakes and Buskett,” JP told Lovin Malta.

“Our adult lives have mostly been spent living abroad either studying or working and in the majority of these places, the natural environment is put first from a social and cultural perspective.”

“The lack of respect and importance that is given to our natural environment in Malta and Gozo is shocking! This is what really spurred on the idea of ReRoot,” he explained. 

“We had met to go on holiday as a family to Thailand and Cambodia – at the time I was living in Switzerland, working as a biochemical engineer, and Christina was living in London where she was already working on setting up LOR, an eco-hair and skincare brand.”

“I don’t want to sound like a cliché, but we did notice a lot of plastic waste while we were on this trip together, and since we possess a common passion for the environment, we started to talk about what we could do.”

“We started to discuss how we could replicate opening a sustainability and zero-waste business in Malta – and the rest is history.”

Why is this so important?

“Climate change and the plastic crisis can no longer be ignored,” JP said.

“We’re living with the effects of years of neglect, we can see this in the heatwaves and extreme weather we’ve experienced over the last year.”

“The onus is on everyone to improve the way we treat our environment this is why education and awareness for reducing our carbon and plastic footprint is essential for us to take action through some very simple steps.

Speaking about the plastic-free July initiative, JP explained how consumers need a combination of accessibility to good alternatives and better policies on the reduction of single-use.

“Plastic Free July presents a perfect opportunity to bring these topics to the forefront of consumers’ and policymakers’ minds. Directly or indirectly, it has a big impact!”

“Not nearly enough is being done locally … and globally. In the case of Malta, we’ve seen an influx in population over the last few years, spurring development in already highly urbanized areas with a result of increasing waste levers that most likely can’t be handled by current infrastructure.”

“A combination of education, awareness and improvement of infrastructure needs to be implemented if we want to see any form of improvement in these areas.”

Check out their platform for amazing waste-free solutions! 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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