Militant Gżira Mayor Thanks Signatories of Petrol Station Petition For Their Support And Encouragement

Gżira Labour Mayor Conrad Borg Manché has thanked everyone who showed their support for his battle to save a Gżira garden from becoming the site of a petrol station.
Borg Manché has been on a quest to reverse the controversial decision to uproot the Manoel Island Petrol Station and transplant it onto the adjacent garden, Ġnien Il-Kunsill Tal-Ewropa, taking up almost 1,000 square meters of this sorely needed green lung in the highly urbanised environment.
To this end, he has initiated five lawsuits on behalf of the Gżira Local Council to reverse this decision which has been plagued with intrigue as one appeal by the Planning Authority was turned down.
Borg Manché has recently crossed swords with his own party’s president Ramona Attard for her role as lawyer for the Lands Authority fighting to relocate the petrol station.
He has accused the party of betraying its socialist principles by trying to deprive the public of Gżira’s only green lung to favour speculators. He even recently claimed that the Labour Party no longer has any place for honest people.
Support has poured in on social media and privately and Borg Manché thanked everyone who has signed a petition against these plans so far.
Particularly encouraging was a private message from a lecturer:
“Today we were studying the poetry of Oliver Friġġieri and both myself and my students had high words of praise for you. Take care,”
Have you signed this petition?