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Minister Owen Bonnici Calls For Culture-Based Action Against Climate Change At COP29 In Azerbaijan

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The Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Owen Bonnici, addressed the second ministerial meeting at COP29 about how culture and art can stump the growing change in climate.

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP29, is the 29th session of the UN Climate Change Conference, currently being held in Azerbaijan.

The Minister on behalf of Malta, stated that it believes that culture and the arts can be at the forefront of global efforts against climate change. Bonnici, emphasised that every country should have the freedom to act according to its needs and resources, while still collaborating internationally to address the crisis.

“A one-size-fits-all approach is of no use because each country has its unique characteristics,” Bonnici explained.

In front of a room of stakeholders and representative from multiple UN countries, Bonnici advocated for the support of a cultural workshop at the event which would aid in the establishment of a joint decision on Culture and Climate Action.

The session also brought together the “Group of Friends of Culture-based Climate Action,” an international action group, of which Malta is a founding member.

He continued to advocate for the importance of arts and culture and their role in the fight against climate change, whilst prefacing that the UN itself has declared many historical sites and landmarks at risk due to the ongoing crisis.

“Climate change is a collective and urgent responsibility. We must build a better future for present and future generations,” Bonnici continued.

Bonnici concluded by once again reiterating that inspiring the population using creative methods and uplifting each country’s cultural heritage, could further raise awareness and promote sustainable changes.

How do you think art and culture could help dwindle climate change?

Image credit to COP29 Azerbaijan

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Josmar's fresh out of MCAST with a Degree in Game Art and Visual Design. His knack for creative writing and design dates back to his fetus days and has since resulted in multiple unfinished passion projects. If you ever want to chat about fascinating life stories or the latest flavour of Monster, just look for the scruffy guy with tired eyes.

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