Objections Flood In Against WasteServ’s Attempt To Commercialise Historical Garden In Santa Venera

Objections are flooding in against WasteServ’s planning application to transform Santa Venera’s Romeo Romano Garden into a hub of commercialisation.
Over 400 people have already filed their representations against the plans after activist group Moviment Graffitti launched a call for objections.
“It is inexplicable that WasteServ Malta Ltd. – a public entity responsible for waste management under the remit of Minister Miriam Dalli – is proposing a commercial establishment in a public garden known for being an oasis of serenity in the middle of a highly urban and congested environment,” Graffitti said on social media.
“This development application is pure madness and totally unacceptable. Public authorities continue to shamelessly favour commercial interests over the common good.”
The application plans outline the restoration, conservation and change of use of a derelict building, referring to the old Razzett, to a Class 4D, which is a commercial restaurant, including the installation of lifts and restoration of a water cistern.
The Razzett, situated within the Romeo Romano gardens, can be located alongside Triq Braille and Triq Misraħ il-Barrieri in Santa Venera.
It is said that the garden dates back to the 17th century, and so it needs to be preserved as the historical site that it is.
The area is also a Grade 1 scheduled property, situated right next to a Grade 2 scheduled property, and this means that only changes related to restoration should be permitted.
Keeping this in mind, the change of use of the Razzett to a restaurant goes exactly against the definition of restoration is.
The application also goes against various policies, such as the Development Planning Act, the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development, the Urban Policy Development and the Rural Environment Policy.
Representations are also calling for further research such as a detailed ecological survey and an environmental impact assessment due to the possible negative effects on biodiversity.
Follow the instructions on Moviment Graffiti’s post in order to submit your representation:
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