One Road Has Drastically Changed A Ħaż-Żebbuġ Valley And NGOs Are Demanding Intervention

Maltese NGOs and activists have called on Malta’s Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) to intervene against the widening and tarmacking of a road nestled in Wied Qirda.
Claire Bonello of Futur Ambjent Wiehed and former Alternattiva Demokratika leader Arnold Cassola have stopped in to fight the development, which has been claimed to have been done without the issuing of any sort of permit.
Photos published online from Arnold Cassola show the radical transformation of the valley road.
In their letter to ERA Head Victor Asciak, they warned that the road development did not follow established guidelines.
Beyond the questions of illegality surrounding the widening, the project could be devastating to the biodiversity in the ecologically important area.
Ħaż-Żebbuġ local councillor Steve Zammit Lupi even described the project as a “rape” of Malta’s environmental heritage.
According to Zammit Lupi, the expansion of the path has tripled in size resulting in “bushes, rare flowers and even branches of carob trees being chopped down”.