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‘This Is Absolutely Ridiculous’: Sliema Resident Raises Concern Over Garbage Collection Times After Confusing Fine

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As everyday life becomes more demanding, we see more and more people working odd hours, including late and night shifts. In fact, Malta’s work times have become so diverse, you could go as far as to say that a significant number of people don’t work the usual 9-5, Monday-Friday routine. Just ask the iGaming and tourism crowds.

That’s where daily chores like taking out the rubbish becomes an issue, because some people simply can’t meet the set garbage collection times… and are getting penalised for it too.

Such was the case for one Sliema resident who got fined by LESA because he took out his recycling bags at 8am ahead of a long day at work in an area where the designated collection time is 7pm

“I put a grey recycling bag outside before heading to work and I got fined for it,” Ben Vincenti told Lovin Malta.

Ben tried explaining to the LESA officer that, due to the demands of his job, he would not be home in time to take out his recycling bags, which is why he took them out before he left for work.

When asked what he should do with his rubbish given his situation, the officer replied ‘issa dak affarik‘ (‘that’s your problem’)

When it got to appealing the fine, things got a confusing turn

In his detailed status on Facebook where he also appealed for legal advice, Ben broke down the sequence of confusing events that followed him appealing the fine.

When appealing his ticket at the Tribunal, the judge repeatedly referred to Ben as a “litterer” and disregarded the fact that he wouldn’t be home when the garbage truck came or the fact that the schedule does not have a timeframe where you can take out your rubbish before 7pm.

“Not trying to play the victim here but aren’t they simply picking on the little guy?” Ben asked.

“What do people who work in the evening do? Never take out the trash? There are no rubbish collection points or skips in my vicinity.”

However, this isn’t an isolated incident.

A few weeks ago, a resident from St Julian’s also brought up the issue that the town’s early collection times conflict with his night shifts and therefore he has no choice but to leave his rubbish out at ‘illegal’ times.

It appears that our current policies on garbage collection are proving ineffective, especially in areas such as St Julian’s and Sliema, leaving some people with no option but to take out the trash whenever they can.

What new solutions could areas like Sliema and St Julian’s come up with to avoid such situations? Let us know in the comments below

READ NEXT: Sliema Vigilante Residents Take Garbage Crisis Into Their Own Hands With DIY Posters And Signs

When JP's not too busy working on polyrhythmic beats, you'll probably find him out and about walking his dog.

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