Watch: Moment Andre Callus Is Ripped Off Mosta Barrier And Arrested By Police Amid Tree Protest

Local activist Andre Callus was ripped off a barrier after attempting to drag it down during a protest against the cutting of decades-old trees in Mosta.
Footage posted by Moviment Graffitti shows three officers latching onto the activist and pulling him off the fence before a struggle to handcuff him.
“Arrest the criminals,” Callus shouted, as he lay on the floor resisting the police action.
Callus was then lifted to the station against the angry screams of protestors who imitated his chant.
Callus was participating in direct action in Mosta to stop 12 ficus trees from getting chopped down. The protest got heated when the workers informed protestors that they were blocking off the works with a fence.
What do you think about the way the authorities handled this situation?