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Live Performance For Eurovision Malta Final Will Not Take Place Due To New Regulations

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Unlike previous years, which saw crowds of people flocking to the Eurovision Malta Final in Ta’ Qali, this year is set to be a little bit different.

As stated under the revised MESC Regulations, a live-on-tape performance will be recorded under stipulated guidelines and streamed to viewers watching the contest – after which a jury and public vote will be held.

“All twelve songs shall be performed Live-on-tape on a special dedicated stage with a recorded Backing Track complying with the requirements listed hereunder.”

“During the recording, the total session time allowed is 60 minutes. During this time, three takes are recorded; one is selected.”

PBS will also be providing the 12 final songs with €5000 to produce an original music video in a given amount of time.

Each performance may consist of a maximum six artists on stage and mall props are allowed according to the size of stage. The final sound mixing will be coordinated by PBS to ensure uniform levels and quality of sound. The lead singer(s) of the selected song will also perform live on stage only.

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Amy is passionate about music, reading and travelling. She is an avid poet and food-lover, determined to stir a reaction from everyone that reads her writing. She also believes that dogs are better than cats. Contact her via email at [email protected]

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