‘Whatever They Throw At Us, Let’s Serve Some Kant’: Culture Minister Reacts To Malta’s Eurovision Ban

Culture Minister Owen Bonnici has reacted to last night’s EBU banning of Malta’s beloved “Kant”… saying he’s confident the islands will put on a great show regardless of “whatever they throw at us”.
“I abhor censorship, have worked against artistic censorship in all my political life and this is a textbook case of artistic censorship,” Bonnici told Lovin Malta in a statement. “I completely understand all those who were extremely disappointed at the decision and I share that sentiment.”
Addressing many people’s calls to boycott the entire Eurovision, however, the minister said he does not believe Malta should go down that road, and instead, quoted Conte herself and claiming “the show must go on”.
“I am informed that PBS is in discussions with the artistic team and songwriters to navigate the current situation in the best possible way,” Bonnici continued. “The team undoubtedly remains focused on achieving the highest level of performance in the ESC and I have full trust in their abilities. They will certainly do a very good job. We are all committed to supporting Malta’s Eurovision entry and the team.”
“Whatever they throw at us, let’s serve some Kant,” the minister cheekily ended his statement.