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Wear And Sign: Here’s How You Can Support This Year’s Fashion Revolution Week In 2 Easy Steps

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Happy Fashion Revolution Week! Ten years after its conception, Lovin Malta is doing its part in the world’s largest fashion activism movement, fronted by Fashion Revolution.

The annual campaign adopts a different theme each year, and this year it is the 10-point manifesto to demand better conditions and accountability in the $2 trillion industry.

It brings people together to build a vision for radical change in the currently exploitative and polluting industry that led to Rana Plaza, a collapse of a factory in Bangladesh that killed,134 garment factory workers and seriously injured a further 2,500 people.

The tragedy shone a spotlight on the appalling conditions so many of our clothes are made and led to the conception of the Fashion Revolution.

In honour of this year’s campaign, which is from 24th until 30th April Lovin Malta is asking you to:

1. Help make this manifesto a reality and  bring the pressing cause to European Union leaders.


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Their manifesto demands holistic and tangible change to the industry, including fair wages, respect for hertiage and minorities and a rehaul of the way it treats the environment.

Meanwhile, the initiative has already garnered more than 15,000 signatures, but they need 1 million from EU citizens to push for legislation that requires companies to conduct living wage due diligence in their supply chains.

Read the full manifesto points here and sign it to support the cause.

2. Take part in this online photo campaign #WhoMadeMyClothes

No matter the annual theme, it’s always important to question big brands on who made the clothes and fabrics we wear.

This campaign aims to give consumers a platform to demand that the brands they support make their supply chains more transparent. It encourages consumers to make their voices heard and put pressure on their brands through social media in three easy steps.

In order for us to measure our impact, it is important to tag (@) the brand they are asking for and use the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes.

Be sure to also tag @lovinmalta so we give your post a shoutout!

We all love to look good in our clothes, but it’s important to demand better for the fashion industry for our planet and people.

Tag someone who needs to get involved! 

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Sam is a journalist, artist and writer based in Malta. Send her pictures of hands or need-to-know stories on politics or art on [email protected].

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