A 13-Year-Battle: Maltese Woman Opens Up About Mother’s Long And Difficult Fight Against Cancer

A Maltese woman has detailed the heartbreaking yet inspiring story of her mother’s 13-year battle against breast cancer, one that has truly showcased the “big heart” and immense strength that her mother, Jaqueline, possesses.
“I got the worst news that I could have ever received: my mother has cancer, which, according to her doctors, is aggressive,” Ramsy told Lovin Malta.
Jaqueline’s story starts back in 2010 when she felt a bump in her right breast. Ramsy, her daughter who was 10 at the time, told her mother to go to the hospital to get checked and she was ready to go with her.
“Eventually, she accepted, and we went together.”
This was all new for Jaqueline and naturally, she began to think “horrible” things.
“I remember that they asked us if we were rushed because they wanted us to do the mammogram there and then. That’s what happened and then they sent us home, telling us to wait 15 days for the result.”
However, those came in a lot earlier, already hinting at the severity of Jaqueline’s case.
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“After just four days, the hospital called my mother and asked her to come in for a biopsy.”
From the first biopsy, they weren’t certain about anything so they asked her to do a biopsy with a scan.
“My mother was always sure in doing what needed to be done, if not for her, then for us; those were always her words.”
A week later, Jaqueline received another phone call, urging her to go to the hospital because her doctors wanted to speak with her.
“The doctor came, asked her to go into his office, and she told me to wait outside. I don’t know exactly what the doctor told her but from the way she walked out, I could get the gist. She was as white as paper, so I knew something bad happened.”
“This was the worst news I could’ve received; my mother has cancer.”
That week, her doctor sent her to Sir Paul Boffa Hospital to receive radiotherapy but this didn’t last long because after around two weeks, she was switched to chemotherapy.
“Our lives were turned upside down, and hearing the severity of her condition was not easy on my mother. She didn’t even know where to start when it came to telling the family.”
Despite Ramsy’s age, she knew about the cancer, however, her siblings didn’t because they were too young.
“Even though I was young, I understood. In truth, I had to understand – I had to grow up because my mother needed me now more than ever.”
“This was even harder for my mother, she had to look in the mirror and see a reflection of herself that was breastless and hairless. Seeing my mother without hair is terrible, she doesn’t even know when it’s going to grow back.”
“Our lives changed overnight.”
Despite Jaqueline’s all-consuming diagnosis, she continued working and striving, never losing hope that one day, she would be cured.
“My sisters and I held out hope that our mother would one day recover, however, year after year, there was always something.”
Eventually, Jaqueline’s cancer started to spread and soon, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe.
Jaqueline tested positive twice.
“You can only imagine how our hearts dropped when, in two years, the virus attacked her lungs twice, filling them with water. I still remember that the doctor had to use some sort of powder to get rid of it.”
At that point, they thought that the worst was over, but Jaqueline’s hardships failed to cease.
After some time, Jaqueline started to feel intense pain in her stomach and she went to the hospital where she stayed for three difficult weeks.
“Again, you can only imagine what we and my mother went through during that period,” Ramsy said.
“Today, my mother – who endured all of that and is still going through it – can only be described as a woman with a big heart.”
Ramsy wanted to share this story in case there’s someone who is in the same state as her mother and who may be losing hope. Ramsy’s goal in sharing the story is to help motivate them to keep fighting against the illness.
“Because courage is half the cure.”
“My mother fought with courage for her health, alone and as well as with her family and partner. Life hasn’t been easy for us, seeing our mother in this state. But, there’s nothing we can do – we always hold out hope that one day she will be cured.”
Despite the intensity that comes with chemotherapy, it has become Jaqueline’s new normal because she knows that without it, she wouldn’t be able to survive.
“I’ll remain grateful my whole life for the staff at the Oncology ward that take care of my mother every week. These people are so dedicated, they give their jobs and their patients their 100%.”
Ramsy went on to thank her mother’s doctor who has been following her case and helping her fight for 13 years.
Ramsy and Jaqueline’s story is a testament to the mother’s strength.
Jaqueline’s journey has been unimaginable, her body and mind have been pushed to extreme lengths for decades yet she remains strong in her fight against this gut-wrenching disease.
Lovin Malta wishes Jaqueline and her family the best