Malta To Recognise US Vaccine Certificate As Of Monday, Chris Fearne Confirms

Malta will start recognising the United States CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card as proof of vaccination as of Monday 19th July, Health Minister Chris Fearne has confirmed.
“The Health and Tourism Authorities are proceeding with technical arrangements for the verification of the United States CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card,” Fearne said.
“As from Monday 19th July 2021, Malta will recognise the United States CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card with an EMA-approved vaccine (full course and 14 days post last dose) as a valid vaccination certificate.”
“As from 1st August 2021, the United States CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card will need to be verified through a specific app to be acceptable as a valid vaccination certificate.”
“Details on this verification app will be issued in the coming days.”
This will mean that travellers to Malta who present a CDC-issued vaccination card will be able to avoid quarantining for two weeks so long as the USA isn’t relegated to the ‘dark red’ list. Currently, Malta only recognises EU and UK certificates as proof of vaccination.