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Malta Reacts To the Tragic Death Of Stephen Mangion Who Died In Emergency After Pleading For Help

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Malta is currently reacting to the devastating death of police officer Stephen Mangion who died after allegedly being told to “wait his turn” at the Mater Dei emergency ward.

From grieving family members to enraged citizens who did not know him, Stephen’s death has struck a chord in the nation.

Stephen went to the Floriana Health Centre with chest pains and he was told to go to the Mater Dei emergency department. He went there by car, according to Jason Azzopardi.

At Mater Dei he was “drenched in sweat” and in clear pain, according to a witness, but was told to wait his turn. Unfortunately, while waiting to be seen, he died with family members confirming this claim.


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A former nurse within the emergency department said that “this is the main reason” they left “two and a half years ago”.

“People were being seen as numbers and not patients,” he explained.

“Overpopulation is not the only excuse… it’s the lack of protocols and pathways.”

Meanwhile, family, friends and citizens are all insisting that someone shoulder responsibility for his death, including PN MP Adrian Delia.

Lovin Malta extends its deepest condolences to Stephen’s family and loved ones

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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