Watch: Technology Is Replacing Human Connection – Maltese MEP Peter Agius Warns Of Its Impact On Youth Mental Health

Maltese MEP Peter Agius has sounded the alarm on the impact of social media and screen addiction on youth mental health, delivering a powerful speech in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
“As a father of three teenagers, I see them facing challenges I never had to endure,” Agius said, pointing to the constant presence of screens in young people’s lives.
Unlike previous generations who had limited screen time, today’s youth are immersed in digital worlds from morning to night.
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Agius highlighted research linking excessive screen time to depression, emphasising how platforms like Fortnite, TikTok and Roblox are replacing real-life human connections.
“There’s no reference point for parents,” he said. “How much is too much? Should we place mental health warnings on apps and websites, just like we do for cigarettes?”
His speech sparked an outpouring of reactions from people who resonated with his message. One person told the MEP, “The time we spend in front of screens is concerning—not just because of comparison culture, but also because it’s making us less active. The human body was made to move.”
Another person mentioned how social media makes people feel ‘incomplete’ where we constantly compare ourselves to others and feel like we’re not enough.
Should there be warnings on social media platforms about their effects on mental health?
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