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KSU Responds to Moviment Graffitti’s Call To ‘Put Campus First’

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As Freshers’ Week kicks off, many organisations and companies flock to the University of Malta to provide aid for students and create a generally welcoming environment with stands, merchandise and informative material.

However, in a recent statement, Moviment Graffitti called out the organisations present, primarily KSU, for “profiting” off of these events.

“During a week where we are supposed to be celebrating the work of students, the KSU chose to serve the interests of private companies whose only purpose is profit,” The NGO starts off, “For another consecutive year, organisations have been relegated to a restricted space in front of the main university library where there will be a lot of crowds and heat.”

The organisation continued by claiming that the crowds and uproar of noise posed as a distraction due to its close proximity to studying facilities. Moreover, Graffitti claimed the listed issues had already been brought up in the past.

“For the past two years, Studenti Graffitti and Pulse, have called for a change in the way that Freshers’ Week is organised…Despite these calls over the past two years the KSU did nothing,” the organisation claimed.

They continue to explain that rather than focusing on profiting off of students and prioritising private companies at the event, the occasion should focus more on student affairs by saying, “We believe that activities organised by students should be at the centre of this special week.” They followed up by suggesting the University to aid KSU with financials as to not reply on sponsors that occupy the space.

“We urge KSU to strive to make immediate changes in the infrastructure and planning of Freshers’ Week and to put the interests of students first and foremost,” the statement closed.

The response online was rather mixed, with many students and student representatives defending the event and KSU.

Namely, Former KSU President Jeremy Mifsud Bonnici, commented under Moviment Graffitti’s post of the statement to voice his disappointment in the organisation’s complaints.

Bonnici listed the accomplishments of KSU in previous years, ranging from improved outside spaces, ventilation and the repeated discussions and outreach to students for their benefit.


He continued to state that during the designated discussions, in which Pulse and Graffitti could have attended, neither organisation participated and instead commented after the fact.

“The consistent meetings where there were at least 4 discussing Freshers Week, the set up, the rules etc which neither Pulse or Graffiti attended or commented at – but instead decided to comment AFTER the event,” Mifsud Bonnici claimed, “We had a meeting set up between KSU and Graffitti which you didn’t bother to show up for (as you said you forgot about it).”

Mifsud Bonnici continued to express his disappointment in the NGOs complaints, claiming that despite their cry for student outreach, Pulse was seemingly inactive at their stand at last year’s event. Moreover, in regards to a complaint regarding loud music being too close to the libraries and studying facilities, he calls them “new excuses” despite “the location being the same for at least six years.”

“I think your characterisation of last year’s freshers week is extremely unfair and honestly I think you’re trying to have the cake and eat it too.”


What’s your take on this dispute?

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The new addition to the Lovin fam, Josmar's fresh out of MCAST with a Degree in Game Art and Visual Design. His knack for creative writing and design dates back to his fetus days and has since resulted in multiple unfinished passion projects. If you ever want to chat about history or the latest flavour of Monster, just look for the scruffy guy in a Hawaiian shirt.

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