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Maltese Words To Use When You Want To Show Off

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So you consistently win at Scrabble. Your English teacher puts little kisses in your assignment margins. You wear specs and maybe, just maybe, you curl your moustache up into a little hipster twist. Basically, you’re a language wanker, though you’d term yourself an etymological onanist. 

However, you’ve yet to achieve that level of semantic self-pleasure in your mother tongue. Do you yearn for the puzzled, yet awed looks of your comrades, as they whisper to each other “dak jixrobha ta’ veru”? Just throw in a couple of these words and you’ll be the Maltese language wanker that you’ve always wanted to be.

1. Biswit

Word mortals would use: “viċin”

Example of use: “Tista’ tqiegħed il-bra biswit l-Xbox, pero’ twaqqagħli xejn jekk ma jimpurtax.”

(“You can place your bra adjacent to the Xbox, but don’t drop anything if you don’t mind.”)

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2. Fis

Word mortals would use: “malajr”

Example of use: “Fittex eħlisli mill-kunjata mill-iktar fis possibli!”

(“Get rid of my mother-in-law as soon as possible!”)

Caw Caw Kunjata

3. Dlonk, also ħesrem

Words mortals would use: “f’daqqa waħda”

Example of use: “Hekk kif Darlene poġġiet il-bra biswit l-Xbox, dlonk ħesrem ċempilli l-kappillan.”

(“Just as Darlene placed her bra adjacent to the Xbox, suddenly the parish priest phoned.”)

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4. Mitjar

Word mortals would use: “ajruport”

Example of use: “Dfintha lill-kunjata? Mela ejja nerħulha lejn il-mitjar!”

(“Have you buried the mother-in-law? Then let’s go to the airport!”)


5. Magħqad (is-sorm)

Word mortals would use: “siġġu”

Example of use: “Darlene, ħanini, il-penti mhux mal-art, imma fuq il-magħqad jekk jogħġbok.”

(“Darlene, darling, don’t throw your panties on the floor, place them on the chair please.”)

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6. Driegħ

Word mortals would use (incorrectly): “id”

Example of use: “Ċens, dfintha sew lill-kunjata? Għax Ġużi qalli li ra driegħ ħiereg mill-ħamrija.”

(“Francis, did you bury the mother-in-law well? Because Joseph said that he saw an arm poking out of the soil.”)

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7. Riġel

Word mortals would use (incorrectly): “sieq”

Example of use: “Le, ċuċ! Dak mhux driegh kien, imma riġel!”

(“No, you idiot! That wasn’t an arm, but a leg!”)

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8. Niżżikħajr

Word mortals would use: “grazzi”

Example of use: “Niżżikħajr Ċens, serraħtli moħħi!”

(“Thank you Francis, you’ve put my mind at ease!”)


9. Zunnarija

Word mortals would use: “karrotta”

Example of use: “Niżżikħajr Darlene. Tista’ tieħu z-zunnarija miegħek.”

(“Thank you Darlene. You can take the carrot with you.”)

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What other words do you think any self-respecting Maltese nerd should know? Leave your examples in our comments on Facebook!

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Post updated to correct spelling error.

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