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Moviment Graffitti Urges Political Action Amidst Pride 20th Anniversary

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NGO Activist group, Moviment Graffitti, voiced their concerns regarding the treatment of LGBTIQ+ community members, both foreign and local.

“We have been participating in the Pride march from the very beginning, 20 years ago,” the organisation opened in an official statement, “Since then, in Malta, we have seen a lot of progress where legislation and policies protecting the LGBTIQ+ community are concerned. However, this does not mean that there is only place for celebration and no place for political action.”

In the press release, accompanied by a public Facebook post, the organisation spoke up about the shortcomings of the nation’s supposed inclusive treatment of the community.

“The Gender Wellbeing clinic in Paola has not been functioning as it should, for more than a year. There is a long waiting list for new cases to be considered to start their gender transitioning process. The clinic is running without a psychiatrist at the moment, since the only psychiatrist who used to work at the clinic is no longer available,” the NGO uncovered.

On the topic of medical benefits provided to members of the LGBTIQ+ community, Moviment Graffitti went on to highlight the national issue of HIV treatment and unveils the reality of the fact, especially when considering asylum seekers.

“Another issue that has been neglected by the Government, despite its electoral promise, is the provision of free PrEP and PEP from hospital. Despite, having one of the highest rates of HIV diagnoses in Europe, the Maltese healthcare system has still not invested in the prevention of HIV infection,” the statement continues.

“LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers face illegal detention and risk to be deported because they cannot prove their sexual orientation.”, the organisation states, “If they are sent back to these countries, they can face years of imprisonment. LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers are not safe living in detention centres, risking discrimination and stigma as well as their safety.”

This fact, paired with the addition of a lack of “investment in the prevention of HIV”, the NGO brought up the reality that asylum seekers suffering from the infection would “face double discrimination and abuse”, due to the poor conditions of detention centres.

“In addition, accessing essential services, including life-saving antiretroviral therapy and gender-affirming health care services that include continuation of hormonal treatment is very difficult, if not impossible,” the statement continues on the topic, “This is an essential healthcare service for transgender and nonbinary people as well as for people with HIV.”

The statement from Moviment Graffitti ends by underlining its disappointment with the country’s alleged development in the provision of essential services and rights to members and minorities within the community:

“Moviment Graffitti would be proud of being in the top position on the LGBTIQ+ index when the rights of the whole LGBTIQ+ community are protected. It calls on the authorities to take the opportunity to act in favour of the LGBTIQ+ community, not just march with them.”

Do you think Malta provides enough inclusive treatment to local and foreign LGBTIQ+ members?

Cover Photo: Moviment Graffitti

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The new addition to the Lovin fam, Josmar's fresh out of MCAST with a Degree in Game Art and Visual Design. His knack for creative writing and design dates back to his fetus days and has since resulted in multiple unfinished passion projects. If you ever want to chat about history or the latest flavour of Monster, just look for the scruffy guy in a Hawaiian shirt.

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