5 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions That Aren’t Cliché

As we ring in the new year that can only mean one thing, New Year’s resolutions.
Most people half-heartedly attempt to maintain their New Year’s resolutions just because of repetitive, boring, and borderline cliché. However, we’re here to help by giving you some ideas for resolutions that are relatively feasible without being the usual “exercise more” or “eating healthier”.
Here are five New Year’s resolutions that are realistic and original;
1. Do random acts of kindness
It’s not an exaggeration to say that a little goes a long way. Even the smallest things can be the catalyst for changing someone’s day. It could even be something as small as holding the door for someone.

2. Volunteer
This is probably the hardest one to do.
However, there are several NGOs, such as animal sanctuaries, that are short-handed more often than not. Even if it’s just an afternoon every other weekend, they would definitely appreciate an extra pair of hands.

3. Clean out your car regularly.
This will definitely apply to some more than others. It will probably take you less than 15 minutes a month.

4. Demonstrate your love.
We live in a world where we often go days or weeks on end without seeing people we’re close to.
It feels good to be loved so let your loved ones know that you care. Even just a five-minute conversation can really show your gratitude and love for someone.

5. Actually take risks.
This doesn’t mean trying to get yourself killed or in jail. We often have a habit of settling in a comfortable environment. Don’t always settle for comfort, look for challenges, be it a new job or even new exciting hobbies.

You may already find yourself doing some of these, but in case you don’t, they’re pretty easy to carry out. Here’s to a happy, healthier and fuller 2024!
Tag someone who never follows their New Year’s resolutions