Free Mask Anyone? Maltese Junior Minister Gives Voters A Pandemic-Friendly Gift

COVID-19 has forced politicians to think outside the box in their campaigns and some are spotting opportunities.
Constituents of the eleventh district recently received a surprise unmarked envelope in the mail.
Upon opening it, this is what they found…

That’s right, a free K95 face mask, courtesy of parliamentary secretary for citizenship and communities Alex Muscat.
The package also included a signed photo of the man himself and a brief message encouraging people to stay strong and protect the health of others.

Elections tend to bring out the generous side of politicians and it’s common for them to dish out freebies to their constituents, this despite “treating” people to influence their vote being technically illegal.
There have been instances of free meals, free cupcakes, even free power banks, but this might well be the first time we’ve seen a politician give free masks.