IN PHOTOS: Here’s Why You Absolutely Need To Attend The St Julian’s Festa This Weekend

Summer is winding down and so are Maltese festas. With Santa Marija behind us, there are only a handful of opportunities to experience this unique Maltese tradition.
If you haven’t had a chance yet, or if you’re just visiting for the weekend, the festa of St Julian’s this weekend is one you definitely don’t want to miss.
Along with the usual festa features (food stalls, marching band, fireworks etc), the St Julian’s celebrations also include the much-beloved and entertaining event of the ġostra.
The ġostra is basically greasy pole climbing competition where contestants try to run up an angled pole to reach the flag at the tip. Whoever manages to remove it from its place wins a prize. Whoever doesn’t… well, let’s just say a watery crash landing and a meme-worthy photo awaits.
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St Julian’s also has the unique tradition of hunters firing their musketterijas over the harbour in salute to their patron Saint of hunting, Julian the Hospitaller.
And the town loves to celebrate with red, yellow and black balloons and flags! Il-Marċ ta’ Filgħodu (the morning march) is the right way to kick off the day’s celebrations and ends up looking like a Belgium parade more than anything.
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It wouldn’t be a feast in the party capital of the island without a few darties (day parties), and this year’s line-up include Biancos Breakfast Beats & Buzz, BLANK Palace, HOT MIX, BLANK, and Cluett & Puis.
Of course, it also wouldn’t be a festa without amazing fireworks, of which St Julian’s definitely meets the criteria.
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And last but definitely not least?
The addition of traditional festa food, including the classic hot dogs, burgers, donughts, imqaret and nougat. Eat up and celebrate the weekend away ladies and gentlemen; summer still isn’t quite over yet!
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From the ġostra to shooting rifles, St Julian’s festa is definitely going to be entertaining, so make sure to pay it a visit this weekend.